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Aliza Flores Oliveros

Aliza Flores OliverosMrs. Aliza Flores Oliveros represents District 3.

Mrs. Oliveros graduated from Texas A&M University in College Station with her Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Science. She has a Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology and from Texas A&M International University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker.

As a young college student, Mrs. Oliveros was employed by Laredo Community College as a Math Tutor. While at Texas A&M University, she served as a Resident Advisor and was an active member of the Biomedical Science Association. She is currently, the Executive Director of the Webb County Head Start/Early Head Start program, where she oversees all program content areas that include: Administration, Curriculum and Instruction, Parent Involvement, Program Governance, Social Services, Mental Health and Disability Services, Nutrition Services, Transportation, Fiscal Oversight, Grant Writing, Grant Compliance, and LISD/UISD Partnerships.

Prior to her current position, she served as an Instructional Coordinator for the Adult Education Department at Laredo Community College and as a Counselor for the Student Support Services Department. Mrs. Oliveros is a former adjunct instructor at Texas A&M International University and Laredo Community College. She is a former advisory board member of Child Care Management Services, AVANCE, Community Action Agency, and Children’s Coalition of Webb County. She has also served on the Board of Directors for the Texas Head Start Association as the South Texas Director’s Alternate and is an active member of the South-by­-Southwest Head Start Directors Association.

Aliza, along with her family, is an active member of St. John Neumann Catholic Church and serves as an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist.

Aliza Flores Oliveros is the daughter of the late Daniel Flores, Jr. and Lyndal Flores. She is married to the late Victor Manuel Oliveros, Jr. Together, they have three children: Alexandra, Victor, III, and Nicholas.

Mrs. Oliveros looks forward to working with school officials, parents and students of United I.S.D.

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